Hi Rich,

I cant explain that at all. Could you send me a sanitized extract from your
users file, so I can test it here?


On Jun 7,  1:38pm, Richard Cameron wrote:
> Subject: (RADIATOR) AuthBy File Problems- Version Differences between 2.13
> Hello Radiator's:
>         I have recently upgraded from version 2.13 to version 2.13.1,
> with patches for 2.13.1 applied from tar file dated 7 Jun 99.  In
> version 2.13.1 I am now unable to authenticate using AuthBy File but I
> can authenticate using the same file using version 2.13.  Version 2.13.1
> seems to be unable to find the name in the file while version 2.13 can.
> Have I missed something?  Can some perhaps explain?
> Following are to traces from the two versions showing a failed
> authentication for version 2.13.1 and a successful authentication for
> version 2.13 using the same file for authentication.
> Best regards
>     Rich Cameron
>     Network Manager RMC
> ----------Traces -------
> Version: 2.13.1
> sultracs3# Mon Jun  7 13:07:25 1999: DEBUG: Packet dump:
> *** Received from port 1645 ....
> Packet length = 75
> 01 64 00 4b 1e c1 34 bb 6e 62 c8 d5 83 0b 74 d5
> fd c2 6f 23 04 06 89 5e 01 82 05 06 00 00 00 02
> 3d 06 00 00 00 05 01 06 72 69 63 68 1f 0d 31 33
> 37 2e 39 34 2e 35 2e 33 36 02 12 c2 86 aa 2a e5
> 15 71 d5 a6 44 cc 09 22 64 3a 3e
> Code:       Access-Request
> Identifier: 100
> Authentic:  <30><193>4<187>nb<200><213><131><11>t<213><253><194>o#
> Attributes:
>         NAS-IP-Address =
>         NAS-Port = 2
>         NAS-Port-Type = Virtual
>         User-Name = "rich"
>         Calling-Station-Id = ""
>         User-Password =
> "<194><134><170>*<229><21>q<213><166>D<204><9>"d:>"
> Mon Jun  7 13:07:25 1999: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler
> 'Realm=ROUTER'
> Mon Jun  7 13:07:25 1999: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthFILE
> Mon Jun  7 13:07:25 1999: DEBUG: Reading users file
> /export/home/Radiator/Radiator-2.13/router_users
> Mon Jun  7 13:07:25 1999: DEBUG: Radius::AuthFILE looks for match with
> rich
> Mon Jun  7 13:07:25 1999: DEBUG: Reading users file
> /export/home/Radiator/Radiator-2.13/router_users
> Mon Jun  7 13:07:25 1999: INFO: Access rejected for rich: No such user
> Mon Jun  7 13:07:25 1999: DEBUG: Packet dump:
> *** Sending to port 1645 ....
> Code:       Access-Reject
> Identifier: 100
> Authentic:  <30><193>4<187>nb<200><213><131><11>t<213><253><194>o#
> Attributes:
>         Reply-Message = "Request Denied"
> _______
> Version: 2.13
> sultracs3# Mon Jun  7 13:10:33 1999: DEBUG: Packet dump:
> *** Received from port 1645 ....
> Packet length = 75
> 01 65 00 4b 56 6b a6 6c b4 bb 59 4a 0e 0c e9 cd
> cf 27 ad 12 04 06 89 5e 01 82 05 06 00 00 00 02
> 3d 06 00 00 00 05 01 06 72 69 63 68 1f 0d 31 33
> 37 2e 39 34 2e 35 2e 33 36 02 12 b0 56 58 8d a6
> 89 c9 9b 55 99 46 da 5e 67 83 27
> Code:       Access-Request
> Identifier: 101
> Authentic:  Vk<166>l<180><187>YJ<14><12><233><205><207>'<173><18>
> Attributes:
>         NAS-IP-Address =
>         NAS-Port = 2
>         NAS-Port-Type = Virtual
>         User-Name = "rich"
>         Calling-Station-Id = ""
>         User-Password =
> "<176>VX<141><166><137><201><155>U<153>F<218>^g<131>'"
> Mon Jun  7 13:10:33 1999: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler
> 'Realm=ROUTER'
> Mon Jun  7 13:10:33 1999: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthFILE
> Mon Jun  7 13:10:33 1999: DEBUG: Reading users file
> /export/home/Radiator/Radiator-2.13/router_users
> Mon Jun  7 13:10:33 1999: DEBUG: Radius::AuthFILE looks for match with
> rich
> Mon Jun  7 13:10:33 1999: DEBUG: Radius::AuthFILE ACCEPT:
> Mon Jun  7 13:10:33 1999: DEBUG: Access accepted for rich
> Mon Jun  7 13:10:33 1999: DEBUG: Packet dump:
> *** Sending to port 1645 ....
> Code:       Access-Accept
> Identifier: 101
> Authentic:  Vk<166>l<180><187>YJ<14><12><233><205><207>'<173><18>
> Attributes:
> Mon Jun  7 13:10:33 1999: DEBUG: Packet dump:
> *** Received from port 1646 ....
> Packet length = 91
> 04 66 00 5b 32 40 b8 46 32 ca d2 48 06 f9 f5 08
> aa 3f a7 a3 04 06 89 5e 01 82 05 06 00 00 00 02
> 3d 06 00 00 00 05 01 06 72 69 63 68 1f 0d 31 33
> 37 2e 39 34 2e 35 2e 33 36 28 06 00 00 00 01 2d
> 06 00 00 00 01 06 06 00 00 00 07 2c 0a 30 30 30
> 30 30 30 31 37 29 06 00 00 00 00
> Code:       Accounting-Request
> Identifier: 102
> Authentic:  2@<184>F2<202><210>H<6><249><245><8><170>?<167><163>
> Attributes:
>         NAS-IP-Address =
>         NAS-Port = 2
>         NAS-Port-Type = Virtual
>         User-Name = "rich"
>         Calling-Station-Id = ""
>         Acct-Status-Type = Start
>         Acct-Authentic = RADIUS
>         Service-Type = NAS-Prompt-User
>         Acct-Session-Id = "00000017"
>         Acct-Delay-Time = 0
> Mon Jun  7 13:10:33 1999: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler
> 'Realm=ROUTER'
> Mon Jun  7 13:10:33 1999: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthFILE
> Mon Jun  7 13:10:33 1999: DEBUG: SDB1 Adding session for rich,
>, 2
> Mon Jun  7 13:10:33 1999: DEBUG: Accounting accepted
> Mon Jun  7 13:10:33 1999: DEBUG: Packet dump:
> *** Sending to port 1646 ....
> Code:       Accounting-Response
> Identifier: 102
> Authentic:  2@<184>F2<202><210>H<6><249><245><8><170>?<167><163>
> Attributes:
> ===
> Archive at http://www.thesite.com.au/~radiator/
> To unsubscribe, email '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' with
> 'unsubscribe radiator' in the body of the message.
>-- End of excerpt from Richard Cameron

Mike McCauley                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Open System Consultants Pty. Ltd            Unix, Perl, Motif, C++, WWW
24 Bateman St Hampton, VIC 3188 Australia   http://www.open.com.au
Phone +61 3 9598-0985                       Fax   +61 3 9598-0955

Radiator: the most portable, flexible and configurable RADIUS server 
anywhere. SQL, proxy, DBM, files, LDAP, NIS+, password, NT, Emerald, 
Platypus, Freeside, TACACS+, PAM, external, etc etc on Unix, Win95/8, 
NT, Rhapsody
Archive at http://www.thesite.com.au/~radiator/
To unsubscribe, email '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' with
'unsubscribe radiator' in the body of the message.

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