
Well I made some minor adjustments following the reply below (one of the
things I did was copy the folder "Radius" from c:\radiator\ to c:\perl\lib &
c:\perl\site\lib ->> after I did that executing the command line that's in
the register from the prompt "c:\>" worked). The Service starts OK , but now
there's another problem. When I run the command line c:\>
c:\perl\bin\perl.exe c:\radiator\radiusd -config_file c:\radiator\maxnt.cfg
and test Radiator with c:\radiator> perl radpwtst -s localhost -user
username -password password - Radiator works perfect. But when I start
Radiator as a system service ( NET START RADIATOR ) and do the same test,
this is what happens:

C:\Radiator>PERL RADPWTST -s localhost -user username -password password
sending Access-Request...
sending Accounting-Request Start...
sending Accounting-Request Stop...

Bellow is my config file:

Trace             5
AuthPort         1645
AcctPort         1646
LogDir            C:\radiator\malbanet\log
LogFile           %D\%Y%m%d.log
DbDir             C:\radiator
DictionaryFile  %D\dictionary.nt

# You will probably want to change this to suit your site.

<Client localhost>

Secret  mysecret
DupInterval 0


<Client XXX.YYY.ZZZ.xxx>

Secret  mysecret
DupInterval 0


<Client XXX.YYY.ZZZ.xxx>

Secret  mysecret
DupInterval 0


<Client XXX.YYY.ZZZ.xxx>

Secret  mysecret
DupInterval 0



# Limit all users in this realm to max of 1 session
MaxSessions     1

<AuthBy NT>
Identifier NTSystem
# DomainController HOSTNAME
# DefaultReply Service-Type=Framed-User,Framed-Protocol=PPP

# Log all accounting into daily log files in LogDir
AcctLogFileName %L\%Y%m%d.act

# Accounting log file format -> only the following items are logged
# AcctLogFileFormat %{User-Name}, %{Acct-Status-Type}, %{Acct-Session-Time},



Bellow is the log entrance where the error appears, looks like radiator
can't find the network path:

Tue Jul  6 15:07:20 1999: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler
Tue Jul  6 15:07:20 1999: DEBUG: Handling with NT
Tue Jul  6 15:07:24 1999: INFO: Access rejected for mike: NT CheckPassword
failed: 53: The network path was not found.


Any help is thankful....

Best Regards
Michael Gatti
Malbanet Servicos Online
Caxias do Sul - RS - Brazil

|-----Original Message-----
|From: Mike McCauley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
|Date: Monday, July 05, 1999 21:53
|Subject: Re: (RADIATOR) Radiator as a NT Service
|Hello Michael.
|Before Radiator can be run as a service, you should test that the command
|entered into the registry will run Radiator properly. You should test this
|changing to, say the root directory, then issuing the complete command line
|seeing if it works, eg:
|cd \
|c:\perl\bin\perl.exe c:\radiator\radiusd -config_file whatever .....
|ONly if Radiator starts and runs properly like that, can you expect it to
|as a service.
|Looking at your config file, I suspect that these lines will cause you
|DictionaryFile  dictionary.nt
|Since an NT service has no concept of a current drive or current directory,
|suspect that Radiator cannot find the dictionary file with that
|You should probably have something like:
|DbDir     c:\radiator
|DictionaryFile  %D\dictionary.nt
|Hope that helps.
|Mike McCauley                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|Open System Consultants Pty. Ltd            Unix, Perl, Motif, C++, WWW
|24 Bateman St Hampton, VIC 3188 Australia   http://www.open.com.au
|Phone +61 3 9598-0985                       Fax   +61 3 9598-0955
|Radiator: the most portable, flexible and configurable RADIUS server
|anywhere. SQL, proxy, DBM, files, LDAP, NIS+, password, NT, Emerald,
|Platypus, Freeside, TACACS+, PAM, external, etc etc on Unix, Win95/8,
|NT, Rhapsody
|Archive at http://www.thesite.com.au/~radiator/
|To unsubscribe, email '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' with
|'unsubscribe radiator' in the body of the message.

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