
> Need to be more specific.  Ciscos with MICA, or Cisco's with Microcom?
> The Microcom stuff kicks serious butt over Lucent modem code in my use.

Our Ciscos have Microcom modems.

> I'm willing to believe that you see different results downunder than
> you get in the US. In the US, on a "standard" 5ess switch, Lucent
> modem code sucks like a vacuum compared to Cisco/mcom :)
> I think the PM3 is faster throughput, but I don't have customers
> calling to complain about throughput being 2% slower, but they sure
> do like to call when they can't connect.

Could also be different when running 60 channels on the Cisco box compared
with 48.  I find the
5200 a fair bit slower.  I don't have accurate figures on it, but my
transfer rate Cisco vs Lucent is generally
0.5k/s --> 1.0k/s faster on a Lucent.  A Cisco really starts to slow down
when it has over 55 clients on the NAS.

The 5300 I've heard is much better.


Leigh Spiegel
Senior Systems Administrator

WinShop Services
PH: (07) 5532 0355 FAX: (07) 5531 4846

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