
We are getting the error below reported in our logfile (Trace 3) coming 
from a Ascend TNT.  Can anyone give me some clue why this is happening and 
how I can fix it?


                ('adrian', 'Jul 22, 1999 10:28', 1, 10, '297891943', '203.96.58
.17', 2106)': Server message number=2627 severity=14 state=1 line=1 server=SOLO
MON text=Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'pk_Calls': Attempt to insert dupl
icate key in object 'Calls'.Server message number=3621 severity=0 state=0 line=
1 server=SOLOMON text=Command has been aborted.
Thu Jul 22 10:34:32 1999: ERR: do failed for 'insert into Calls
                 (UserName, CallDate, AcctStatusType, AcctDelayTime, 
Id, NASIdentifier, NASPort)
                 ('adrian', 'Jul 22, 1999 10:28', 1, 10, '297891943', 
.17', 2106)': Server message number=2627 severity=14 state=1 line=1 server=SOLO
MON text=Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'pk_Calls': Attempt to insert dupl
icate key in object 'Calls'.Server message number=3621 severity=0 state=0 line=
1 server=SOLOMON text=Command has been aborted.
Thu Jul 22 10:34:32 1999: ERR: do failed for 'insert into Calls
                 (UserName, CallDate, AcctStatusType, AcctDelayTime, 
tets, AcctOutputOctets, AcctSessionId, AcctSessionTime, NASIdentifier, NASPort)

                 ('active89', 'Jul 22, 1999 10:26', 2, 5, 1524, 948, 
, 365, '', 2052)': Server message number=2627 severity=14 state=1 l
ine=1 server=SOLOMON text=Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'pk_Calls': Attem
pt to insert duplicate key in object 'Calls'.Server message number=3621 severit
y=0 state=0 line=1 server=SOLOMON text=Command has been aborted.
Thu Jul 22 10:34:33 1999: ERR: do failed for 'insert into Calls
                 (UserName, CallDate, AcctStatusType, AcctDelayTime, 
tets, AcctOutputOctets, AcctSessionId, AcctSessionTime, NASIdentifier, NASPort)


John Vorstermans                         ||   As the mind, so the man;
Actrix Networks Limited                  ||   bondage or liberation are in
Level 1, 282 Wakefield St, Wellington NZ ||   your own mind.
Phone (021) 432-987                      ||                 Sanskrit saying.    

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