Hi John,

The message you are seeing is "normal" in the sense that the insert is trying
to insert a retransmitted accounting request. This is undoubtedly due to the
accounting response being lost on the way back to the NAS. This is also an
artifact of the radius protocol, being based on UDP.

You should first ensure that the level of lost packets on your network between
Radiator and your NAS is acceptably low. Having done that you should see very
few of these errors, and they can then be ignored.

Hope that helps.


On Jul 22, 10:38am, John Vorstermans wrote:
> Subject: (RADIATOR) Duplicate key in object 'Calls'
> Hi.
> We are getting the error below reported in our logfile (Trace 3) coming
> from a Ascend TNT.  Can anyone give me some clue why this is happening and
> how I can fix it?
> Cheers
> John
>                 ('adrian', 'Jul 22, 1999 10:28', 1, 10, '297891943',
> .17', 2106)': Server message number=2627 severity=14 state=1 line=1
> MON text=Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'pk_Calls': Attempt to insert
> icate key in object 'Calls'.Server message number=3621 severity=0 state=0
> 1 server=SOLOMON text=Command has been aborted.
> Thu Jul 22 10:34:32 1999: ERR: do failed for 'insert into Calls
>                  (UserName, CallDate, AcctStatusType, AcctDelayTime,
> AcctSession
> Id, NASIdentifier, NASPort)
>                  values
>                  ('adrian', 'Jul 22, 1999 10:28', 1, 10, '297891943',
> '203.96.58
> .17', 2106)': Server message number=2627 severity=14 state=1 line=1
> MON text=Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'pk_Calls': Attempt to insert
> icate key in object 'Calls'.Server message number=3621 severity=0 state=0
> 1 server=SOLOMON text=Command has been aborted.
> Thu Jul 22 10:34:32 1999: ERR: do failed for 'insert into Calls
>                  (UserName, CallDate, AcctStatusType, AcctDelayTime,
> AcctInputOc
> tets, AcctOutputOctets, AcctSessionId, AcctSessionTime, NASIdentifier,
>                  values
>                  ('active89', 'Jul 22, 1999 10:26', 2, 5, 1524, 948,
> '297891925'
> , 365, '', 2052)': Server message number=2627 severity=14 state=1
> ine=1 server=SOLOMON text=Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'pk_Calls':
> pt to insert duplicate key in object 'Calls'.Server message number=3621
> y=0 state=0 line=1 server=SOLOMON text=Command has been aborted.
> Thu Jul 22 10:34:33 1999: ERR: do failed for 'insert into Calls
>                  (UserName, CallDate, AcctStatusType, AcctDelayTime,
> AcctInputOc
> tets, AcctOutputOctets, AcctSessionId, AcctSessionTime, NASIdentifier,
>                  values
> --
> John Vorstermans                         ||   As the mind, so the man;
> Actrix Networks Limited                  ||   bondage or liberation are in
> Level 1, 282 Wakefield St, Wellington NZ ||   your own mind.
> Phone (021) 432-987                      ||                 Sanskrit saying.
> ===
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>-- End of excerpt from John Vorstermans

Mike McCauley                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Open System Consultants Pty. Ltd            Unix, Perl, Motif, C++, WWW
24 Bateman St Hampton, VIC 3188 Australia   http://www.open.com.au
Phone +61 3 9598-0985                       Fax   +61 3 9598-0955

Radiator: the most portable, flexible and configurable RADIUS server 
anywhere. SQL, proxy, DBM, files, LDAP, NIS+, password, NT, Emerald, 
Platypus, Freeside, TACACS+, PAM, external, etc etc on Unix, Win95/8, 
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