On Mon, Aug 16, 1999 at 12:33:17PM +0930, Paul Thornton wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> Sorry to bug you again and I know I took myself off the list but I need to
> ask a quick question.
> When a user logs on to our system and it is successful the information is
> logged to our detail file. (No probs) However, if this user gets either
> the username of password wrong we never see any of these failures which
> makes it difficult to determin what the problem really is.

You can have a look at the PasswordLogFileName (logs all users passwords,
and whether they failed or succeeded). You can also turn the Trace level
up - at the expense of some performance. Finally, you can butcher the
code to alert you to whatever it is you think you want to know - at the
expense of creating your own bugs and making upgrades more time instensive.


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