On Tue, Sep 07, 1999 at 09:50:26AM +0930, Paul Thornton wrote:
> Hi,
> We seem to be having a small problem with our radius records and was
> wandering what might be causing this.
> As the record shows below the user has sent a Start record followed by a
> Stop (User Request). Shortly thereafter another Start Record has appeared.
> This causes our accounting server to see them as being online. This inturn
> causes all of their credit to dissapear until there is none left.
> Could this have something to do with the DupInterval value.
> We have this set to "2". Should it be higher, or could there be something
> else?
> ---------- Snip -------------
> 8|username|seagull-1.mtx.net.au||dove|PPP|Start|936187714|2B000E98|
> 8|username|seagull-1.mtx.net.au||dove|PPP|Start|936187759|2B000E98|
> ---------- Snip -------------

Looks like duplicate packets alright. Try setting the DupInterval to something
higher (like 60 seconds). Also, try increasing the retransmit time on your
NAS - if you're Cisco then it defaults to 5 seconds which is a bit fast in
peak times.


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