>       I had the same problem - it's because the Ipass libraries posted
>on their site are NOT the ones that Mike used to create the module.
>Email Mike and he can hook you up with the latest Solaris and/or Linux
>libraries and header files.  He is now authorized by Ipass to do so - I
>needed them as well.  Again, the ones you get from Ipass (version 3.2 I
>believe) will not allow the 1.4 module to compile.  I've got this working
>now if you have any questions that I can help with.  I tried to get the
>libs from Ipass themselves with no luck....
>Aaron Holtz

This sounds like the problem all right because 1.3 works fine.

Yeah, iPass kinda sucks, they are really unresponsive these days.


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