Dear Fellow Radiator & Platypus users,

We are in the process of getting Radiator running on our RedHat 6.1
server to Authenticate off of our Platypus database on Windows NT.

Radiator is running on RedHat and works fine with a flat file.  We
downloaded and installed the OpenLink Software and are able to access
the ODBC drivers via the web by localhost:8000 or from any other
workstation for that matter.  The tests run fine and we are able to
connect to the SQL database on NT.

I changed the .cfg file so that it is using <AuthBy Emerald> and set the
dbi:ODBC DSN name, user name and password.  At this point I am stuck.
We cannot authenticate off of Platypus with this setup......can anyone
figure out what I am missing or forgetting ?  Everything seems to be
running fine and I don't get any error's when I run the tests.

Thanks for any input,
Todd Knaus
CISNet, Inc

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