Perhaps this is a silly question, but since I'm very new to the general 'ISP
style' arena, I have a perhaps basic question....
I'm not even sure this is the correct list, but since I'm using Radiator to
generate most of the data, I thought it was worth a try...

I have a SQL (mySQL) server.

I am successfully using it to authenticate users (well, hope to be soon
-live testing starts tomorrow, but the radpwtst tests worked very well)
I am successfully recording accounting data into it.
I am also storing radius log details into it.
In addition, we are storing web and proxy logs on the same database server,
though in different databases.

This database now has a *LOT* of information in it.

However, my issue is that unless I spend many hours writing some tools to
take this data and do stuff with it, it's effectively useless to me.

Is there any easy way to get my logging data out of the SQL server, and save
it as, for example a regular text file for the Radius logs, a normal HTTP
log for the web data, etc etc.

Ok, you probably wonder why I dont just create the logfiles directly as text

Well the main issue is that the systems are not easily accessible, so
everything (all data, all logs, etc) is being sent to the one database,
which while also being
not easily accessible, it is a lot easier to get to than any of the other
systems (such as the PC running Radiator)  That is, physically inaccessible.
There are also
strict remote access policies I must abide with, so the idea (good one at
the time) was to get everything into the one database.

Unfortunately, now that I have the data in the database, I would like to be
able to get at it, without needing to manually enter SQL queries...

I suppose I'll spend the rest of the evening learning a bit more of perl.


Tony Frank

WAP Support
Vodafone FSC
Ericsson Australia PTY LTD           
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