Hello Tony -

On Wed, 08 Dec 1999, Tony Frank (EPA) wrote:
> Perhaps this is a silly question, but since I'm very new to the general 'ISP
> style' arena, I have a perhaps basic question....
> I'm not even sure this is the correct list, but since I'm using Radiator to
> generate most of the data, I thought it was worth a try...
> I have a SQL (mySQL) server.
> I am successfully using it to authenticate users (well, hope to be soon
> -live testing starts tomorrow, but the radpwtst tests worked very well)
> I am successfully recording accounting data into it.
> I am also storing radius log details into it.
> In addition, we are storing web and proxy logs on the same database server,
> though in different databases.
> This database now has a *LOT* of information in it.
> However, my issue is that unless I spend many hours writing some tools to
> take this data and do stuff with it, it's effectively useless to me.
> Is there any easy way to get my logging data out of the SQL server, and save
> it as, for example a regular text file for the Radius logs, a normal HTTP
> log for the web data, etc etc.

Forunately there are some tools already available to you. For a start you
should have a look at the radacct.cgi and radwho.cgi scripts that are included
with Radiator (in the main distribution directory). radacct.cgi will show you
accounting logs and radwho.cgi will show you the current online users from the
SessionDatabase. In addition there are several hundred (thousand?) tools for
this sort of thing on CPAN (comprehensive perl archive network):


between the two, you should be able to do everything you want with minimal
effort on your part.



Radiator: the most portable, flexible and configurable RADIUS server
anywhere. SQL, proxy, DBM, files, LDAP, NIS+, password, NT, Emerald,
Platypus, Freeside, TACACS+, PAM, external, etc etc on Unix, Win95/8,
NT, Rhapsody

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