>Yes. This is because the "Group = user" check item only has
>relevance in your
>AuthBy SYSTEM clause (or AuthBy UNIX). It doesn't have any
>relevance in an
>AuthBy FILE as you have it constructed above. (I think this is
>my fault from
>the example I sent you).

Ok, that explains the behavior I was seeing.

>What are you trying to have happen? I've lost track of what your exact
>requirement is - so if you could refresh my memory I'd appreciate it.

To answer your question:
I am looking for a way to set default check-items for all users. You
suggested I use nested Authby FILE statements and add a file to contain
these(using a DEFAULT entry).  I want to set a check-item of 'Group=user'.
>From what you said I gather that this item needs to be in the file where the
'Authby=System' item is(my main USERS file).  But this is what I am trying
to avoid.()
It's no big deal. The manual doesn't really state where the 'Group=xx' is
valid, so I assumed everywhere.

So I have the answer I was looking for. Thank you.


>Hello Erik -
>On Tue, 04 Jan 2000, Erik Meitner wrote:
>> Here is how I have my AuthBy's setup(minus extra junk):
>> <AuthBy SYSTEM>
>>         Identifier System
>> </AuthBy>
>> #main users file
>> <AuthBy FILE>
>>         NoDefaultIfFound
>>        Identifier MainUser
>>         Filename %D/users
>> </AuthBy>
>> <Realm DEFAULT>
>>         AcctLogFileName %L/detail
>>         <AuthBy FILE>
>>                Filename %D/users-def
>>         </AuthBy>
>> </Realm>
>> users-def file:
>> DEFAULT         Auth-Type=MainUsers, Group = user
>> users file:
>> DEFAULT         Auth-Type = System
>>         User-Service = Framed-User,
>>         Ascend-Idle-Limit = 3600
>> emeitner         Auth-Type = System, Time = "Al0600-1800"
>>         User-Service = Framed-User,
>>         Ascend-Idle-Limit = 3600
>> --------
>> If users-def file is changed to:
>> DEFAULT         Auth-Type=System, Group = user
>> it will work.
>Yes. This is because the "Group = user" check item only has
>relevance in your
>AuthBy SYSTEM clause (or AuthBy UNIX). It doesn't have any
>relevance in an
>AuthBy FILE as you have it constructed above. (I think this is
>my fault from
>the example I sent you).
>What are you trying to have happen? I've lost track of what your exact
>requirement is - so if you could refresh my memory I'd appreciate it.
>thanks for your patience

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