>Is it possible to authenticate off one datasource but account to another?
>We would like to authenticate off of a Postgres database, which we do now,
>but send the Accounting information to an MSSQL server.............does
>Radiator allow for this?


I asked that same exact question, only worded a little different, a few
months back. Here is the relevant parts of the response I got. Hope this


> I now need some input on configuration. I would like to, if possible, use
> the MySQL database for authentication, yet have the accounting info
> available to Rodopi. How would one go about this? Is it possible to point
> Radiator to the MySQL database for security and point it to the Rodopi
> database for accounting?

It is quite simple to do what you wish with cascaded AuthBy's, something
this would be close:

# configure two AuthBy clauses
# the first does accounting only (note empty AuthSelect)
# the second does authentication only (empty AccountingTable)
# and multiple AuthColumnDef's for reply items

<Handler ....>
AuthByPolicy ContinueAlways
DBSource ....
DBAuth ....
DBUsername ....
<AuthBy SQL>
DBSource ....
DBAuth ....
DBUsername ....
AuthSelect select ....
AuthColumnDef .....
AuthColumnDef ....

Have a look at section 6.24 in the Radiator 2.14.1 reference manual for
details. There are also examples in the Radiator distribution in the files
radius.cfg and goodies/sql.cfg.



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