Hello David -

> Hi All,
> I am getting the following errors in my log...
> May 15 08:45:10 world3 /usr/sbin/radiusd[17120]: Attribute number 83 (vendor
> 1584) is not defined in your dictionary 
> May 15 08:45:10 world3 /usr/sbin/radiusd[17120]: Attribute number 98 (vendor
> 1584) is not defined in your dictionary 
> May 15 08:45:10 world3 /usr/sbin/radiusd[17120]: Attribute number 87 (vendor
> 1584) is not defined in your dictionary 
> May 15 08:45:10 world3 /usr/sbin/radiusd[17120]: Attribute number 88 (vendor
> 1584) is not defined in your dictionary 
> May 15 08:45:10 world3 /usr/sbin/radiusd[17120]: Attribute number 90 (vendor
> 1584) is not defined in your dictionary 
> May 15 08:45:10 world3 /usr/sbin/radiusd[17120]: Attribute number 91 (vendor
> 1584) is not defined in your dictionary 
> May 15 08:45:10 world3 /usr/sbin/radiusd[17120]: Attribute number 92 (vendor
> 1584) is not defined in your dictionary 
> May 15 08:45:10 world3 /usr/sbin/radiusd[17120]: Attribute number 93 (vendor
> 1584) is not defined in your dictionary 
> May 15 08:45:10 world3 /usr/sbin/radiusd[17120]: Attribute number 95 (vendor
> 1584) is not defined in your dictionary 
> May 15 08:45:10 world3 /usr/sbin/radiusd[17120]: Attribute number 82 (vendor
> 1584) is not defined in your dictionary 
> May 15 08:45:10 world3 /usr/sbin/radiusd[17120]: Attribute number 81 (vendor
> 1584) is not defined in your dictionary
> ...and so on.
> So I acquired the most recent vendor specific attributes and added them to
> my dictionary file, here is the extract...
> # Bay vendor specifics
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-IP-Filter                 28      string
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-CLI-Command               29      string
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-CLI-Filter                30      string
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Host-Restrict             31      string
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Host-Allow                32      string
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Product-Name              33      string
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-SW-Version                34      string
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Local-IP-Address          35      ipaddr
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Callback-Portlist         36      integer
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Sec-Profile-Index         37      integer
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Tunnel-Authen-Type        38      integer
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Tunnel-Authen-Mode        39      integer
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Authen-Servers            40      string
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Acct-Servers              41      string
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-User-Server-Location      42      integer
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Local-Username            43      string
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-System-Disc-Reason        44      integer
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Modem-Disc-Reason         45      integer
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Disconnect-Reason         46      integer
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Addr-Resolution-Protocol  47      integer
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Addr-Resolution-Servers   48      string
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Domain-Name               49      string
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Transmit-Speed            50      integer
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Receive-Speed             51      integer
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Input-Filter              52      string
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Output-Filter             53      string
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Primary-DNS-Server        54      ipaddr
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Secondary-DNS-Server      55      ipaddr
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Primary-NBNS-Server       56      ipaddr
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Secondary-NBNS-Server     57      ipaddr
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Syslog-Tap                58      integer
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Keypress-Timeout          59      integer
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Unauthenticated-Time      60      integer
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Re-CHAP-Timeout           61      integer
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-MRRU                      62      integer
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-EDO                       63      string
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-PPP-Trace-Level           64      integer
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Pre-Input-Octets          65      integer
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Pre-Output-Octets         66      integer
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Pre-Input-Packets         67      integer
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Pre-Output-Packets        68      integer
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Connect-Progress          69      integer
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-First-Dest                70      ipaddr
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-PPP-Async-Map             71      integer
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Multicast-Client          72      integer
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Multicast-Rate-Limit      73      integer
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Maximum-Call-Duration     74      integer
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Multilink-ID              75      integer
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Num-In-Multilink          76      integer
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Inbound-Precedence        77      integer
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Outbound-Precedence       78      integer
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Secondary-Srv-Endpoint    79      string
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Gwy-Selection-Mode        80      integer
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Logical-Channel-Number    81      integer
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Wan-Number                82      integer
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Port                      83      integer
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Pool-Id                   85      integer
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Compression-Protocol      86      string
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Transmitted-Packets       87      integer
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Retransmitted-Packets     88      integer
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Signal-to-Noise-Ratio     89      integer
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Retrain-Requests-Sent     90      integer
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Retrain-Requests-Rcvd     91      integer
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Rate-Reneg-Req-Sent       92      integer
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Rate-Reneg-Req-Rcvd       93      integer
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Begin-Receive-Line-Level  94      integer
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-End-Receive-Line-Level    95      integer
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Begin-Modulation          96      string
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-Error-Correction-Prot     97      string
> VENDORATTR  1584        Annex-End-Modulation            98      string
> VENDORATTR  1584        Bay-User-Level                  100     integer
> VENDORATTR  1584        Bay-Audit-Level                 101     integer
> The problem is that it made no difference. I have confirmed that Radiator is
> using the dictionary file I edited, and I have restarted the daemon.

What dictionary file are you using? The reason I ask is that most of the
attributes listed above are already in the standard dictionary (although not
the ones that were being complained about obviously). 

Please send me a copy of your configuration file (no secrets) and the Radiator
version number and I'll take a look.



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