Title: Attributes from multiple Oracle tables?

Please ignore my last question, passing parameters from SQL commands is working fine.

We actually have multiple tables within our Oracle.  The attribute value needed by our RAS requires lookups from 2 tables.  For example, we lookup the user_id from the first table, and the lookup the session-timeout on the second table using the user_id obtain from first table.

Is there a way for Radiator to make nested SQL calls to accomplish this?  Such as the following SQL command:
AuthSelect select SESSION_TIMEOUT from USER_FIELD_VALUES where OWNER=( select USER_ID from USERS where LOGIN_NAME = '%n')

We tried to do 2 AuthSelect statements (see following) but it doesn't recognize "USER_ID" from the second statement.

AuthSelect select PASS_WORD, USER_ID from USERS where LOGIN_NAME='%n'
AuthSelect select value from USER_FIELD_VALUES where FIELD_ID=47 and OWNER=( select USER_ID from USERS where LOGIN_NAME = '%n')

        AuthColumnDef 0, PASS_WORD, check
        AuthColumnDef 1, USER_ID, reply



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