Upgrading my perl-ldap to the latest version seems to have fixed the
problem.  Thanks for the quick response.

Eric Lackey
ISDN-Net Operations

-----Original Message-----
From: Stuart Clifton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, February 18, 2001 6:38 PM
To: Eric Lackey
Subject: Re: (RADIATOR) ldap2 problems

I am trying to do something similar, using a Netscape Directory Server
(4.12) as
the LDAP source.
I found that this is required,

1. GCC (if not on the system)
2. Perl 5.00503
3. perl-ldap-0.22
4. Convert-ASN1-0.07
5. Convert-BER-1.31
6. MD5-1.7
7. SHA-1.2
8. ldapsdk-30-SOLARIS-export-ssl
9. Net-LDAPapi-1.42
10. Radiator-Demo-2.17.1

As you notice, I am using a 'demo' version but it is fully functional (just
bombed). I am having a different problem but I have passed your problem
I fixed your problem when I installed perl-ldap-0.22, no other version seems
help. This installs LDAP.pm which LDAP2 requires.

Stuart Clifton

Eric Lackey wrote:

> I am not sure if my first message went through because I just now got an
> email telling me that I am on the list now.  If this message already came
> sorry, please disregard.
> >
> > This has probably been answered before but I have spent all day trying
> > find it and cannot.  I am trying to use the AuthBy LDAP2.  When I
> > radiator I get these messages.
> >
> > Sun Feb 18 16:04:06 2001: ERR: Unknown keyword 'Host' in
> > /usr/local/etc/radius.cfg line 181
> > Sun Feb 18 16:04:06 2001: ERR: Unknown keyword 'BaseDN' in
> > /usr/local/etc/radius.cfg line 182
> > Sun Feb 18 16:04:06 2001: ERR: Unknown keyword 'UsernameAttr' in
> > /usr/local/etc/radius.cfg line 183
> > Sun Feb 18 16:04:06 2001: ERR: Unknown keyword 'PasswordAttr' in
> > /usr/local/etc/radius.cfg line 184
> > Sun Feb 18 16:04:06 2001: ERR: Unknown keyword 'SearchFilter' in
> > /usr/local/etc/radius.cfg line 185
> >
> > Has anyone had a problem like this before, and if so please let me know
> > how it was fixed.  I have included my handler below.  Any help would be
> > appreciated.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Eric Lackey
> > ISDN-Net
> >
> > <Handler Realm=test.com>
> >        RewriteUsername      s/^([^@]+).*/$1/
> >        AuthByPolicy ContinueAlways
> >        <AuthBy LDAP2>
> >                Host XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
> >                BaseDN dc=test,dc=com
> >                UsernameAttr uid
> >                PasswordAttr userPassword
> >                SearchFilter uid=$name
> >        </AuthBy>
> > </Handler>
> ===
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