Hello all,

I've noticed that several people have been authenticated on my server
when the routers are not listed in the client list. How can this be? I
was under the impression from the documentation that if the router is
not listed, and no default is given, it should be immediately rejected.
Please advise. My radius config file is below with many routers removed
for brevity, and the secrets missing. The users that are calling in on
these routers are in the database, and are being accepted as they should
be. However, I though that they should not be authenticated since their
routers are not in the config file.

Griff Hamlin, III

#  Radiator configuration file

 Trace 3

# Directory where logfile and details file are
LogDir /var/adm/radacct

# Database directory. Should contain:
# users           The user database
# dictionary      The dictionary for your NAS
DbDir /etc/raddb

AuthPort 1645
AcctPort 1646

# Global parameters
LivingstonOffs 22
LivingstonHole 1

# Handle all users from all other realms by looking them up
# in the users file at /etc/raddb/users.
  RewriteUsername s/^([^@]+).*/$1/
  <AuthBy GROUP>
    AuthByPolicy ContinueUntilAccept
    <AuthBy QuikRadAcct>
      # authorize by the module AuthQuikRadAcct.pm
    <AuthBy FILE>
      Filename  %D/blkspam.1
      DefaultReply      Service-Type = Framed-User,\
Framed-Protocol = PPP,\
Framed-IP-Address =,\
Session-Timeout = 25,\
Idle-Timeout = 20
    <AuthBy FILE>
      Filename  %D/blkspam.2
      DefaultReply      Service-Type = Framed-User,\
Framed-Protocol = PPP,\
Framed-IP-Address =,\
Session-Timeout = 25,\
Idle-Timeout = 20
    <AuthBy FILE>
      Filename  %D/blkspam.3
      DefaultReply      Service-Type = Framed-User,\
Framed-Protocol = PPP,\
Framed-IP-Address =,\
Session-Timeout = 25,\
Idle-Timeout = 20
    <AuthBy FILE>
      Filename  %D/blkspam.4
      DefaultReply      Service-Type = Framed-User,\
Framed-Protocol = PPP,\
Framed-IP-Address =,\
Session-Timeout = 25,\
Idle-Timeout = 20
    <AuthBy FILE>
     # This is primarily for test accounts not entered in Cheetah.
     Filename %D/users.head
    <AuthBy QuikRad># authorize by the module AuthQuikRad.pm
  # Log accounting to the detail file in LogDir/<client>
  AcctLogFileName  %L/%c/detail
# MaxSessions 1

# Allows us to honour requests from radpwtst on the same host.
<Client localhost>
  DupInterval 0
  Secret xx

#         O1 Communications proxy
  Secret xx

#         O1 Communications proxy
  Secret xx

#         O1 Communications proxy
  Secret xx

#         O1 Communications proxy
  Secret xx

#         O1 Communications proxy
  Secret xx

#           Chilliwack 1
  Secret xx
  NasType Livingston
  SNMPCommunity quik77

#          Boston 2
  Secret xx
  NasType Livingston
  SNMPCommunity quik77

#        Boston Ascend
  Secret xxx
  NasType Livingston
  SNMPCommunity quik77

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