Hello Griff -

You are correct, if a Client clause does not catch a request, it should be 
rejected. An easy test is to dummy up some authentication requests with 
radpwtst and do some experiments. Use a trace 4 and check what is happening.



On Wednesday 21 March 2001 09:16, Griff Hamlin wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've noticed that several people have been authenticated on my server
> when the routers are not listed in the client list. How can this be? I
> was under the impression from the documentation that if the router is
> not listed, and no default is given, it should be immediately rejected.
> Please advise. My radius config file is below with many routers removed
> for brevity, and the secrets missing. The users that are calling in on
> these routers are in the database, and are being accepted as they should
> be. However, I though that they should not be authenticated since their
> routers are not in the config file.
> Griff Hamlin, III
> _________________________
> #  Radiator configuration file
>  Trace 3
> # Directory where logfile and details file are
> LogDir /var/adm/radacct
> # Database directory. Should contain:
> # users           The user database
> # dictionary      The dictionary for your NAS
> DbDir /etc/raddb
> AuthPort 1645
> AcctPort 1646
> # Global parameters
> LivingstonOffs 22
> LivingstonHole 1
> # Handle all users from all other realms by looking them up
> # in the users file at /etc/raddb/users.
> <Handler>
>   RewriteUsername s/^([^@]+).*/$1/
>   <AuthBy GROUP>
>     AuthByPolicy ContinueUntilAccept
>     <AuthBy QuikRadAcct>
>       # authorize by the module AuthQuikRadAcct.pm
>     </AuthBy>
>     <AuthBy FILE>
>       Filename  %D/blkspam.1
>       DefaultReply      Service-Type = Framed-User,\
> Framed-Protocol = PPP,\
> Framed-IP-Address =,\
> Session-Timeout = 25,\
> Idle-Timeout = 20
>     </AuthBy>
>     <AuthBy FILE>
>       Filename  %D/blkspam.2
>       DefaultReply      Service-Type = Framed-User,\
> Framed-Protocol = PPP,\
> Framed-IP-Address =,\
> Session-Timeout = 25,\
> Idle-Timeout = 20
>     </AuthBy>
>     <AuthBy FILE>
>       Filename  %D/blkspam.3
>       DefaultReply      Service-Type = Framed-User,\
> Framed-Protocol = PPP,\
> Framed-IP-Address =,\
> Session-Timeout = 25,\
> Idle-Timeout = 20
>     </AuthBy>
>     <AuthBy FILE>
>       Filename  %D/blkspam.4
>       DefaultReply      Service-Type = Framed-User,\
> Framed-Protocol = PPP,\
> Framed-IP-Address =,\
> Session-Timeout = 25,\
> Idle-Timeout = 20
>     </AuthBy>
>     <AuthBy FILE>
>      # This is primarily for test accounts not entered in Cheetah.
>      Filename %D/users.head
>     </AuthBy>
>     <AuthBy QuikRad># authorize by the module AuthQuikRad.pm
>     </AuthBy>
>   </AuthBy>
>   # Log accounting to the detail file in LogDir/<client>
>   AcctLogFileName  %L/%c/detail
> # MaxSessions 1
> </Handler>
> # Allows us to honour requests from radpwtst on the same host.
> <Client localhost>
>   DupInterval 0
>   Secret xx
> </Client>
> #         O1 Communications proxy
> <Client>
>   Secret xx
> </Client>
> #         O1 Communications proxy
> <Client>
>   Secret xx
> </Client>
> #         O1 Communications proxy
> <Client>
>   Secret xx
> </Client>
> #         O1 Communications proxy
> <Client>
>   Secret xx
> </Client>
> #         O1 Communications proxy
> <Client>
>   Secret xx
> </Client>
> #           Chilliwack 1
> <Client>
>   Secret xx
>   NasType Livingston
>   SNMPCommunity quik77
> </Client>
> #          Boston 2
> <Client>
>   Secret xx
>   NasType Livingston
>   SNMPCommunity quik77
> </Client>
> #        Boston Ascend
> <Client>
>   Secret xxx
>   NasType Livingston
>   SNMPCommunity quik77
> </Client>
> ===
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