I am already using AddToReplyIfNotExist for the standard RADIUS
attributes, but that is not quite suitable for user profiles.

Each of our users has a serviceType which defines which type of service
they pay for.  For example, some of these users are what we call
"daytimers" because they are only allowed in off-peak hours.  Other
service types have unique reply items to enforce the service policies.

What I want to do is detect from AuthBY LDAP2 that serviceType=DAY
(using a request item), and requery LDAP to retrieve the necessary reply
items (Time, Session-Timeout) from a service template found in a
calculated DN (serviceType=%{serviceType},...o=Top).

I'm pretty sure I know how to configure all of this, except that I can't
find a way to perform the second LDAP query for the service template.
The LDAP2 module requires a userPassword which would never match in a
template.  Perhaps a new AuthBy LDAP2 parameter could disable the
password check, allowing additional check/reply items to be applied?

I would like to keep the profiles in LDAP for centralization and
simplified maintenance, but if worse came to worse I suppose I could
have it fall through to a flat 'users' file as documented in
"goodies/profiles.txt".  (Does this sound reasonable?)

Carl Litt
Network Administrator
Execulink Internet

On Tue, 3 Apr 2001, Hugh Irvine wrote:

> Hello Carl -
> Why not just use an AddToReply in the AuthBy clause?
> Section 6.16.7 in the Radiator 2.18 reference manual.
> hth
> Hugh
> At 14:20 -0400 01/4/2, Carl Litt wrote:
> >I am trying to configure a DEFAULT user with AuthBy LDAP2.  I want to
> >to authenticate the Access-Request via LDAP2, then retrieve a DEFAULT user
> >with LDAP2 which contains the necessary reply items.  This is on my
> >way to using account profiles matched by LDAP request items.
> >
> >The only problem is that AuthBy LDAP2 always expects to authenticate the
> >user with a password.  The documentation (6.33.9) states that PasswordAttr
> >or EncryptedPasswordAttr are required in the LDAP configuration.  I did
> >try it without PasswordAttr, but I get an LDAP_PARAM_ERROR.  Obviously
> >this won't let me lookup a DEFAULT user record.  I think I remember some
> >talk of how to do this with other AuthBy methods?
> >
> >My question is: How can I use LDAP2 to append profiled (or DEFAULT)
> >reply items to an Access-Accept?
> >
> >Here is what my config looks like right now:
> >
> ><AuthBy LDAP2>
> >     # Authenticate the Access-Request from LDAP
> >     # (This all works fine)
> >     Identifier      LDAP-login
> >     ...
> ></AuthBy>
> >
> ><AuthBy LDAP2>
> >     # Fetch the DEFAULT user's reply items
> >     Identifier      LDAP-DEFAULT
> >     ...
> >     SearchFilter
> >     (&(objectclass=radiusAccount)([EMAIL PROTECTED]))
> >     UsernameAttr    mailLocalAddress
> >     AuthAttrDef     radiusReplyItem,GENERIC,reply
> ></AuthBy>
> >
> ><AuthBy GROUP>
> >     Identifier      genericLDAP
> >     AuthByPolicy    ContinueWhileAccept
> >     AuthBy          LDAP-login
> >     AuthBy          LDAP-DEFAULT
> ></AuthBy>
> >
> >Thanks,
> >
> >Carl Litt
> >Network Administrator
> >Execulink Internet
> >
> >
> >
> >
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