On 14 Apr 2001 15:18:16 -0600, Carlos P. Martinez wrote:
> Hi,
> I am very interested in knowing about a better network monitoring tool for 
> Radiator than What's up Gold.
> Thank you in advance for any help or product name.
I can highly recommend NetSaint (http://www.netsaint.org) for network
monitoring.  There is a plugin for radius in the standard plugins
distribution, and it works very well.  However, I do not know if the
netsaint engine or plugins will compile on non-unix machines, as I've
never needed to try it.

The best part about NetSaint is the cost.  It's free.  The worst part is
configuring it for the first time, the config file syntax looks very
strange at first, but you learn it quickly enough.
Joel Michael
Systems Administrator

Ph: +61 7 3367 3555
Fax: +61 7 3367 3544

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