Hello Mary Grace -

The first thing to do is to build the tables in the SQL database.

For Microsoft-SQL you should use the administrative tools provided with the software to first of all create the database, then use the SQL utility to run the contents of the file "goodies/sybaseCreate.sql". You should note that "msqlCreate.sql" is designed for a different database altogether (MSQL written by David Hughes).

Once you have created the database and built the tables, you will need to create a System DSN for Windows using the ODBC manager, which is what DBI/DBD-ODBC will use to connect to the database.

Having done all of the above, you can then use the "buildsql" utility to load the contents of your existing flat file into your newly created database.

If all of the above sounds too difficult (it isn't really), then I suggest you find someone close by who has some experience with SQL and Microsoft SQL in particular who can assist you.

BTW - this topic has been discussed often on the mailing list, so I suggest you look there as well:




On Sunday, Jul 20, 2003, at 10:37 Australia/Melbourne, Mary Grace wrote:

Hi Hugh Irvine and all you folks who know LOTS more than we idiots over here :-)

We have been running Radiator for years on a flat file users list.

Recently, we have been asked to move to a SQL auth database. However, I personally know only enough about SQL to be an idiot and not truly "Clued".

I tried to run the goodies script msql.SQL using our local MS SQL Serve 2000 database.

I am so brain-dead and neophyte that I could not figure out how to get the script to create a working MS SQL database-based users file so that it would work with Radiator 3.6. We have never had a problem with the flat-file method, but I am in search of a true entry-level FAQ and set of instructions no how to migrate to SQL - for DUMMIES like me :-)

Can ANYONE please point me to an FAQ which will give me step-by-step to create and support a MS SQL (or even a MySQL on a Win 2K box) Radiator installation? I couldn't even get SQL Profiler to work to properly ruin the mssql.sql script provide in goodies.

Sorry for the truly non-clued request.................. :-(

Sr. Mary Grace

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