Hello Craig -

What operating system and SQL database are you using?

If your database supports stored procedures it would probably be simplest to do it that way. Otherwise you could write a hook to implement the same processing inside Radiator. It may also be possible to use a clever SQL statement, but that is outside my area of expertise.



On 27/11/2003, at 8:51 AM, Craig Gittens wrote:

Hey guys,

I am trying to get a new product to work where when the username and
password is used and is valid then it would update the SQL database with an
end date for the product. So I need this logic to work in a SQL statement in

User is a valid user and is allowed online,
User entry gets update in SQL with a date I set (today + 30 days)

If not then it would not update the user entry of course....

Is this possible? I have tried SQL Functions but they can't update a
permanent table.



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NB: have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets), together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?

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