Does anyone know of any issues with receiving reply packets from a 
packet-of-disconnect request which is proxied through radiator?  For my 
POD requests, i inject them into radiator using radpwtst and have them 
configured to proxy to the proper device.  The POD does work.  When a 
session is matched and a user is disconnected, the AKed reply comes back 
to radiator and proxies back to radpwtst and radpwtst will exit with "OK".

But, when the device respondes with NOT acknowledged (ie. no matching 
session found), that reply is NOT proxied back to radpwtst and therefore 
produces a no response timeout issue for radpwtst.

This is an example of the NAKed request coming back with "No Matching 
Session" which is correct, but it just stops and doesn't appear to 
forward that reply back to the waiting radpwtst.

*** Received from port 1700 ....
Code:       Disconnect-Request-NAKed
Identifier: 22
     Reply-Message = "No Matching Session"
     Error-Cause = Session-Context-Not-Found

Fri Jul  5 09:50:26 2013: DEBUG: Accounting rejected: Proxied

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