In, routine sub handleReply, should 
"Disconnect-Request-NAKed" also be listed in the code bellow?

Works for me now.  The NAKed request now gets forwarded to the original 
requester (radpwtst).

     # RadiusResult tells Synchronous mode that we have
     # finished with this packet and what the result was
     # ReplyHook above could set op->{RadiusResult} to force a
     # required reponse type
     if (!defined $op->{RadiusResult})
         if ($p->code eq 'Access-Accept'
             || $p->code eq 'Accounting-Response'
             || $p->code eq 'Disconnect-Request-ACKed'
             || $p->code eq 'Disconnect-Request-NAKed'
             || $p->code eq 'Change-Filter-Request-ACKed')
             $op->{RadiusResult} = $main::ACCEPT;

On 05/07/13 10:02 AM, Michael wrote:
> Does anyone know of any issues with receiving reply packets from a
> packet-of-disconnect request which is proxied through radiator?  For my
> POD requests, i inject them into radiator using radpwtst and have them
> configured to proxy to the proper device.  The POD does work.  When a
> session is matched and a user is disconnected, the AKed reply comes back
> to radiator and proxies back to radpwtst and radpwtst will exit with "OK".
> But, when the device respondes with NOT acknowledged (ie. no matching
> session found), that reply is NOT proxied back to radpwtst and therefore
> produces a no response timeout issue for radpwtst.
> This is an example of the NAKed request coming back with "No Matching
> Session" which is correct, but it just stops and doesn't appear to
> forward that reply back to the waiting radpwtst.
> *** Received from port 1700 ....
> Code:       Disconnect-Request-NAKed
> Identifier: 22
> Authentic:
> Attributes:
>       Reply-Message = "No Matching Session"
>       Error-Cause = Session-Context-Not-Found
> Fri Jul  5 09:50:26 2013: DEBUG: Accounting rejected: Proxied
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