
Entirely fair.  But what I was trying to say is that, by way of metaphor,

I imagine myself as someone along the lines of  an intellectual Indiana Jones

where the adventures are not death defying scrapes with Nazis or angry Arabs,

but moistly cognitive jousting among brainy people; only rarely are there

nasty Nazis per se, or bloodthirsty Arabs.

My impression of you is along the lines of a very peaceful pastor who makes

it a point of honor to be a mediator whenever possible, a peace maker,

an all around good guy.  Which is hardly a bad thing to be.  It is a very good

thing to be.

Another way to say the same thing, I like to think of myself as following in

Mark Twain's footsteps in his autobiographical book, Roughing It, about

his years as a newsman on the actual Western frontier, forever in trouble

with someone or another, sometimes deserved,  and forever finding

at least a modest adventure to take comfort in. Not in the least genteel

even if, in later years, Twain was far more genteel than not.

The self image is semi-rural and what may be called "rough and ready."

Now and then I would fit in with a honkey-tonk crowd  Christian, yes,

but my Bible carried in my back pocket, the pages worn and scuffed up.

You, as I conceive things anyway, are far more urban and urbane.

My self image is, of course, flattering to my ego and is partly wishful 

But there is truth to it. My image of you is surely likewise partly

off base, but to tell you what it consists of   -for your edification.

You could walk into the LA Hilton and look and feel the part.

They would kick me out as soon as I walked in the front door.


From: Centroids <>
Sent: Monday, February 5, 2018 12:25 PM
To: Billy Rojas
Subject: Re: [RC] Defining Evil Re: Reflections on Reality

Hi Billy,

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 4, 2018, at 23:12, Billy Rojas 
<<>> wrote:

For me its all about launching a new crusade, about fighting spirit, backbone, 
and willingness to endure the inevitable reaction, even if this cannot be easy 
in any sense of the term

Not your style at all.  But that's OK, what is crucial is standing up against 

whatever forms it takes.

Speaking of “mischaracterizations....”

That actually is my style. Please don’t denigrate my battles or my tactics 
until you’ve actually asked me about them. Rather than implicitly assuming you 
know everything there is to know about me.

Just because I don’t fight your preferred battles with your preferred tactics 
doesn’t mean we’re not fighting the same war.

Fair enough?


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