peterw;473237 Wrote: 
> Another reason to open source the Now Playing screen and core
> screensavers. :-)

Anyone that wants a better Now Playing screen, please also vote on the
bug report peterw mentioned. 
With the current source code license it's not possible for a third
party developer to do a custom Now Playing screen without rewriting all
the Now Playing screen code.

Basically, it would be pretty easy to optimize the Now Playing screen
for various types of usage scenarios and with a specific design
optimized for the Squeezebox Radio device. However, the problem for
Logitech is that they would like to use a design that also works on the
Controller and Touch and they prefer to not have too many different
choices since that increase the maintenance and support. I completely
understand this, but if they made the source available under a license
that allowed redistribution of modifications it would be possible for
third party developers to ...


Erland Isaksson
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