danco;479353 Wrote: 
> After a long call to a Logitech support person, I finally got told that
> the Squeezebox Radio is incompatible with my router, a Netgear DG834G
> (v3). And that this was why my Radio works for a while and then drops
> off from connection to my Squeezebox Server (see my posts in other
> threads). So far I have had no problems with connection to
> mysqueezebox.com, other than one dropout that got resolved in a few
> hours and was probably due to connection to a server that was not
> currently working.

That sounds bogus to me: if you can maintain a connection to
MySqueezebox.com via wireless, then your Wifi between the radio and the
router is fine.

If the connection drops only on local playback, then you should look at
other things (is SBS server crashing? is the server connected via
wireless as well, effectively doubling the bandwith required?)

Are you in the US or abroad?  US support has always been excellent...
Logitech proper support has been somewhat iffy it seems, certainly not
on par at all with the support here.

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