OK, now at home and am currently going through all my albums and
renaming and front covers to front.jpg.
Any that don't have images I've chucked into a folder for me to sort
out later.
It's definitely only SB that shows the Wedding Singer as the art, tried
the same song in Media Monkey, WMP11 and Itunes and album art is fine.

One thing though which could be a breakthrough, it only appears to be
my songs that are affected not the albums. I.E. Any songs that don't
appear to belong to albums and are loose in My Music have adopted the
Wedding Singer as it's album cover. Those that reside in album folders
appear to have the correct covers.
Does this change things at all?

If I've gone through the process of adding the Front.jpg to all of my
albums, is there a quick way prey tell that will allow me to embed these
into the files???

Thanks all

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