mlsstl;490433 Wrote: 
> It is sometimes easy to forget that a really important feature for
> ourselves may not be a big deal for a large percentage of other users. 
> Sonos targeted the multi-room system from the beginning (it even states
> that in large type on their web site header) so it makes sense this was
> a priority for them at the start. 
> Like a lot of people, I started with a SliMP3 many years ago as a
> dedicated music source on one system. Though I have three current
> Squeeze devices now, I use them in separate systems and have only
> experimented with synching out of curiosity. It just isn't the way I -
> and I suspect many others - listen to music. 
> Most products are similar. They cater first to the largest segment of
> their market and then add other features later. 
> Your idea is a good one, and it would strike me as reasonably feasible,
> but I suspect that it'll take some serious programming time. Where that
> fits into the developers big list of what to do when, I'm not sure. 
> If you can't wait on this, I'm sure Sonos will be happy to take your
> money right now. ;-)

Just saw this after my last post. Maybe you're right and many people
aren't using the syncing feature, but I haven't seen the statistics. I
believe in the future that more people will use syncing for music around
the home, but I'm not an oracle. From the outside I would say Sonos are
in a similar market, and squeezebox could have just simply looked at
Sonos usability and asked why do they do that and do it if it fits their
goals and don't if it doesn't. As it stands I don't know whether this
was already thought of by squeeze box guys and dimissed or whether they
simply missed it and don't care, or whether they missed it and wished
they didn't. But if you're right and not many people using it now and
I'm wrong and not many people will use it then they will not have much
incentive to change it. I'm hoping you're wrong and I'm right, and that
that becomes apparent (although 7 votes is bit rubbish so even if you're
wrong and I'm right we may never know) because I have an incentive for
them to implement it so I can use my squeezebox radio properly.



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