I understand your frustration, as the (re)connection logic truly is the
underlying cause of alarm instability.  I also understand your doubt
that the alarm problem can be fixed alone in the applet.  If you have a
look at what is actually going on under covers, technically, in the
Radio when alarms malfunction you may have a different view though.  

These are not guesses I've proffered up out of some misguided sense of
false hope.  

While I do hope Logitech actually pays attention to the detailed
information I'm providing specifically as to why alarms are unstable and
then uses that info. appropriately in short order, my posts are not just
an attempt to prod the development guys (the *company* really, since it
looks like those above the developers' pay grades have made the decision
to prioritize other things besides Radio stability) into fixing the
issues.  Nor are my posts merely an attempt to make myself or others
feel better about the situation because someone is actually looking
closely at it.   

Let me be clear:  I understand what's going on to the extent necessary
to, I believe, stabilize alarms.  It's not correct that the AlarmSnooze
applet isn't started (or not receiving alarm set up requests), at least
in the context of my testing.  For what it's worth, I have yet to see a
case where the originally provisioned (set up) alarm doesn't get to the
AlarmSnooze applet (as long as the MySB.com webpage isn't used, that is,
to set up alarms - see my note in next paragraph where I strongly
discourage the use of MySB to set up alarms).

You are correct of course, as Logitech development has themselves
admitted now, about the underlying connection/reconnection behavior
being at the heart of not only alarm, but also general Radio stability

It's true that my modifications to the AlarmSnooze applet are not (and
won't be) elegant.  They are (and will be) a workaround to the
underlying general instability of Radio<-->server connectivity.  The
logic I've added to the applet has indeed made significant differences
in alarm stability and I expect that they will be (cross your fingers!)
reliable enough to use with confidence once you've installed the new
applet.  My strong recommendation for those connecting to MySB.com will
be to entirely stop using the MySB.com webpage for provisioning (setting
up) alarms in any form.  In the MySB.com connection case, only the Radio
dial/buttons should be used to provision alarms.  If that suggestion is
followed then I think that (while not elegant) Radio alarms will be
stable enough to rely on when using the modified AlarmSnooze applet. 

Then, and this is the kicker, I (we) will head off to analyze/debug the
underlying connection issues...   :)


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