msigk;501600 Wrote: 
> Hello again,
> I got a Linksys WRT54G2 router yesterday at Best Buy. On sale, (
> $44.99). I popped in the CD that came with it and hooked up the
> hardware. Cool. I thought I was done.
> NO WAY!! After googling the router and mac setup and checking Linksys'
> pages I found out that I need to " MANUALLY " configure the TCP/IP
> settings.
> The paragraph reads: " The installation CD that came with the router is
> only designed to work in a Windows-based computer. This is the reason
> why manual configuration of the TCP/IP settings of your Mac is needed.
> Before setting up the router, connect the modem to the router's Internet
> port and the computer to any of the four Ethernet ports. After
> connecting the devices, configure the TCP/IP Settings in the Mac
> computer. For instructions, follow the steps below."  Then they list the
> steps. Sounds good, right? Nope. When I follow the steps they provide
> I'm unable to continue past step 2 or 3 ( I forgot which ) of ALOT of
> steps because what they want me to change is " grayed out " and I can't
> click it.
> I found a site on Google. It's from Mac people who have had similar
> problems and some found a solution, some didn't, and one got so
> frustrated that he went and bought the $179.00 Mac Airport Extreme
> router.
> Heck, I even got to that point after messing with this thing for over 4
> hours. But even THAT wouldn't work with my " ancient eMac " 'cause I
> read the specifications of the Airport Extreme and it says that I need
> to be running Mac OS X 5. I think that's Leopard or Snow Leopard. I'm
> running Tiger ( Mac OS X 10.4.11 ).
> So here it is, another day. I'm not gonna give up because I REALLY want
> to use the Squeezebox radio, especially since I found out from the BB
> guy that the Battery Pack/ Remote Control package will be coming out in
> February for the cost of around $50.00.
> I'll list the site I found on Google re: Macs & Linksys.
> If one of you guys who know what all of this means can give me a clue
> as to what to do, I'd appreciate it immensely. There are so many
> different
> " fixes " listed, ( I tried some of them to no avail ) that I am
> totally confused. Now it's a matter of this problem ( situation, really
> ) getting the best of me. And I'm going down fighting. It's a matter of
> pride now for sure. I WILL get this thing up & running today and be
> listening to German radio with my wife, my dog, and a nice cup of herbal
> tea by this evening.
> ( I hope ;) ). Or I'll be at Best Buy purchasing a new iMac! 
> ( yeah, I wish ;) ). There's an obstacle to this scenario called Pat. (
> My wife ;) ) 
> Anyway, here's the link to the folks who have this same problem.
> If you'd care to help and simplify all of this for me I'd GREATLY
> appreciate it.
> One last thing. If there is definitely NO solution for me to use the SB
> radio wirelessly, is there a way that I could just use, say, a 25'
> ethernet cable and run it under my floor into the crawl space below the
> house and exit the other end in my living room ( the eMac is in the den
> ) and connect it to the radio? ( I'd drill the holes and cover them ever
> so carefully with the carpet and Krazy Glue so the wife wouldn't notice.
> Drilling holes in the floor is
> most likely a No-No in her book. Me? I don't care.  Would I still be
> able to do all of the stuff that I could've done wirelessly? Would the
> computer need to be ON all of the time to use it this way? Whaaaaaa, I
> want my radio!! ( sorry about that )
> Here's the link ---- and thanks alot guys.  
> Thanks, 
> Michael K.

First, it sounds like the setup CD is not necessary in your case. In
fact I don't think the setup CD is necessary with any linksys router.
The router has a built in web server that allows you to access all of
the setup screens. It also has a built in DHCP server so that your emac
and squeezebox can get IP addresses and talk to each other. If you plug
your emac into one of the ethernet ports on the router, it should get an
IP address and be able to connect. The default IP address of the router
is, and your eMac should get an IP address of 192.168.1.x.
Once that happens you should be able to browse to the router setup
screens by typing in in the address window of your
browser. If that doesn't happen, it usually means that the eMac doesn't
have the correct IP address. 

As for plugging an ethernet cable into the Squeezebox Radio, that is
certainly a viable option, and may actually give you a more stable
connection than you will get using wireless. However, unless your DSL
modem has more than one ethernet port (most don't), you will still need
a router. I'm sending you a private message as well, so please check

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