It's all too complex.

There shouldn't be a popup dialog with options.  The big knob shouldn't
be multi-purpose.  Leave it for navigation only, and not for
snooze/alarm off/volume or any other non-navigation.

I want music to come on when I schedule it, and show what is playing
(and what the time is), and stay on until I choose to stop.

That's how every alarm I've ever used works.

I have no desired to turn off music when I'm still in bed.  I want it
to play (and see what is playing) until I get up and turn it off.

That's why I raised the bug/enhancement request, to allow this type of
behaviour to be configured for an alarm.  i.e. if alarm timeout is set
at 0, it should work as above.  Unfortunately, it seems like the bug has
been hijacked and made the system even worse.

Philip Meyer
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