bluegaspode;502499 Wrote: 
> If one wants to listen to music, you neither select stop or snooze but
> just have it going - already possible today (but without seeing which
> music is playing).
The problem comes if you want to do anything else other than
stop/snooze.  Eg, Get song details to see who is performing on the song,
look at weather forecast, check the news via Info Browser, etc.

If you touch the knob, it stops the music.  That may be unexpected,
because you've forgotten that the music started via an alarm.

I use an alarm for waking up in the morning.  But I also use alarms
elsewhere in the house, eg. so LBC News is playing in the kitchen, when
I finally make it downstairs.  i.e. to schedule music to start at a
certain time; no need for snooze in this instance.

It's a pity that the Radio doesn't have a dedicated Snooze button like
the Boom.  Very strange when you think that this is designed as an alarm
clock.  As a result, hacking functionality like that into navigation
buttons and popup menus, etc, is always going to make things awkward.

Not everyone is going to be happy with whatever the final outcome is,
if alarms are not adequately supported through configuration.

bluegaspode;502499 Wrote: 
> The problem with showing the 'Now Playing'-screen is, that it doesn't
> show the current time big enough - so having the alarm popup with a
> bigger time for me is more important than the 'Now playing'-screen.
On my SB3 (bedroom - used as an alarm clock), I use the MusicInfoSCR
plugin to configure the screen display to show Now Playing information
AND the current time (which is adequately big enough).  There is another
plugin that can toggle the display to show date/time and then song

The MusicInfoSCR plugin for SB3 also has a screensaver display setting
whilst in Alarm mode.  i.e. you could configure it to only show the
time, and then when out of alarm mode, show NP.

Radio/Touch doesn't have an alarm screensaver mode; it would help a lot
if there were such a mode - there could be a screensaver mode to show an
alarm menu (like it currently does), or show NP info, or show the time,
or blank.

Philip Meyer
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