>Miniwaites wrote
>I wondered if anyone else has experienced this - my alarm is set to go
>off at 7.40, but at that time it starts playing some music (which I
>cannot identify) at a volume louder then either the Radio or the alarm
>is set at.  I turn this off and shortly after the actual alarm playlist
>will start.

I have exactly the same problem (with possibly the same cause, PC 
slow to wake up). At the time the Alarm is set for, it turns on at 
FULL VOLUME playing a repeating small-band riff. After 5-10 secs that 
cuts out, then slowly out of the silence (as configured) my chosen 
radio station comes in up to the preset volume level.
It's a brutal way to wake me up!

>The Radio is connected wirelessly to a computer which
>sleeps during the night.  There is another identical alarm set for 20
>minutes later (which I use as snooze) which works perfectly.  I'm on
>7.4.2.  Could it be that it plays this music as it can't access the
>correct playlist while the computer wakes up (this only takes a second
>or 2)?  Even if that is the case why is it so loud?  And where has that
>music comes from?  I'm getting into trouble with the missus for the
>suddenly very loud awakenings!

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