Are there any people out there with an Radio that's thinking it would be
nice to customize it a bit ?

Want to make your first applet but don't know where to start ?

Are you good at graphical design/drawing but know nothing about
programming and like to contribute ? 

I'm personally really bad at graphical design and would appreciate help
from someone with graphical skills to make that really cool
applet/screen saver/visualizer.

Have you never done any development and don't plan to start but have
this really great idea for a screen saver you would like to see on the
Radio ? Or maybe how you would like the Now Playing screen or some other
screen to be changed ?

Share your idea and let someone else do the development.

If there are some interest I was thinking it might be possible to give
people some pointers and introductions where to start. 

I don't want to spend time doing it in case there aren't any serious
interest but since Logitech now has changed the licensing for
Squeezeplay it's a bit easier. It's now possible to copy and customize
any applet more or less exactly as you like.

So, anyone interested or anyone has some ideas ?

(Yes, I know this might be the wrong forum for this kind of discussions
but I figured most wannabe developers probably don't hang around in the
"Developers" forum)


Erland Isaksson
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Extension Downloader)
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
Query plugins'
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