I had my first total alarm failure this morning, no radio stream, no
backup sound, nothing.

The radio is set with a repeat alarm to go off at 06:10am Mon - Fri,
with the current playlist set as the option to play, and the radio
stream set to Radio 2. It's been fine since I set it up at Christmas,
and nothing has changed recently.  I have a second alarm set for
Saturday, at 06:45am, and twice this has sounded as the back-up alarm,
so I know that does sound (although no idea why it did!)

At 06.25am this morning we realised the alarm hadn't gone off, but when
I pressed "play", the radio came on straight away on the correct

Sadly, this now has made my wife very unhappy with the radio,
especially as I can't find any reason to explian the failure, so now we
wil have to have a second alarm clock as backup - which sort of defates
the object of the SBR.  

I can't see any log file that might have a relevant error in it, so I
wondered if anyone had any ideas of what might have gone wrong and what
I can do to at least make sure the back-up alarm sound goes off?



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