My SB Radio appears to work OK with :

SBS Version: 7.4.2 - r30215 
Firmware: 7.4.2-r8423

However - I have the alarm set for M-F, with Sat and Sun clear - For
Sat and Sun, no alarm sounds, but the alarm icon still appears. If I go
to the server page, on say Sat, all looks OK, but the alarm icon is
still there for Sun - But no alarm on Sun (as intended) - Just an alarm
icon. On Mon, the alarm sounds.

If I go into the alarm settings in the Radio, again it appears to be
correct. but when I exit, the alarm icon is gone. On sun, it appears
again for M-F, but on Friday, the icon is again there for Sat.

We also have a Boom, and the icon appears to be working fine on it -
Present if the alarm is to go off the next day - Not present if the
alarm is not supposed to go off the next day.

Has anyone seem this behavior?


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