sander;523116 Wrote: 
> It does seem to be the crux of the problem with squeezeplay. It's really
> the worst of both worlds. After years of stability at the ip3k level
> they forgot how much work had gone into it, and now 3 years into
> development they're still grappling with fundamental issues like this.
> I hope the touch ushers in a new era, but the staff cutbacks and
> manufacturing issues, its not looking good.
Just to be clear, as a beta tester of both the Radio and the Touch and
a owner or Duet, Boom and Classic I can honestly say that The Radio and
Touch is the most promising devices so far. Their potential is huge and
for me the Radio is already the best clock radio I've ever had and the
Touch is the best music player in the living room I've ever had.

I think it's important to remember that what we see on these forums are
users with problems, but we don't see is the other 95% who are very
happy with the Radio.

I'm not saying that we should ignore the 5% that have problems, I'm
just saying that I strongly believe that the Radio does work for most
people. Even more since the 7.4.2 release when you can be pretty sure
that the Radio plays some sound at the correct alarm time.

(5% is obviously just an educated guess, I suspect it's even less than
that in reallity)


Erland Isaksson
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