bluegaspode;525448 Wrote: 
> I think its not fair to claim your patch was the best of all and
> everything done later was to the worse.
> Your change was a BIG step towards a very good solution on the given
> architecture, but also with Bens additional changes to your patch we
> have a much more stable alarm situation in 7.4.2. Maybe even more stable
> than your patch ? Who knows ?

You are welcome to your opinion, of course.  If anyone has the desire,
time, and compunction to look back at the extensive conversation thread
that took place in the developers forum then it's there for the

Honestly, your comments are a pointed illustration as to why it makes
little sense to keep working toward stability.  Your 95% estimate of my
changes that were incorporated is a poor one.  My architecture was
indeed used, but far more than 5% of the changes that I made were
discarded.  The devil is in the details, and the details were not
respected properly when important pieces were discarded.  This is
particularly true in the context of how the client/server architecture
used is/was unintuitive and more, rather than less, pedantic code is/was
clearly a necessity to track and defend against unexpected behaviors.

You are wrong, by the way, about the changes made to my modifications
having increased stability.  They did not, as evidenced by the problems
that remain in 7.4.2.  I warned specifically against sacrificing some of
the state tracking I had added, yet my warnings went unheeded.  It's
true that you weren't convinced after much debate, though, so perhaps
you still believe the right course was pursued.  I admit that it's a bit
offensive, though, when you say glibly that perhaps the changes I
recommended retaining weren't up to the standards of the now
disseminated 7.4.2 code - which is clearly still unstable.  It would
make sense for you to defend the now released 7.4.2 code, despite its
continued instability, I suppose, since perhaps you feel the need to
take some measure of responsibility for not being convinced of a number
of the since discarded stability measures I lobbied for.

bluegaspode;525448 Wrote: 
> Without logs for the current minor hickups noone is able to tell, who
> is to blame. Remaining parts from the 7.4.1 code-base? Your original
> patch ? Bens later changes ? 

I attempted to get the log after the malfunction occurred (while I
should have been headed off to work).  Unfortunately, it had been
quickly overwritten and was lost.  I've also suggested that logging be
enhanced to prevent this type of situation in the past, if you recall.

bluegaspode;525448 Wrote: 
> To make at least one logitech developer feel very comfortable with the
> current code :)
> It wouldn't make sense to take your changes as a 1:1 copy to make your
> debugging now easier ... its far more important that logitech feels
> comfortable with the code and is able to understand its current ideas on
> the long run.

No one suggested a 1:1 copy of my work.  The code I'm alluding to that
was unwisely discarded consisted of specific state information that was
tracked to enhance both stability and post-mortem analysis.  Nor did I
ever state or imply that 'everything after [my changes] was to the
worse'. I'm afraid you're putting words in my mouth that I don't
appreciate here...

Ok, so now Logitech is ostensibly more comfortable based upon your
commentary (not an unreasonable point).  Are they now working on these
new issues, whether making logging more useful to facilitate log
feedback from customers by preventing log overwrites or by continuing to
test alarms in 7.4.2?  Has that development comfort translated into
alarm robustness?  

I'm not going to get further into a personal defense of my work, nor of
my history and expertise in embedded product development.  Suffice it to
say that I am not (and was not) guessing when it came to working toward
alarm stability.  Logitech as an organization has a lot to learn about
both embedded development and client/server architecture...

It's too bad, really, because I truly believe the Radio could be huge.

bluegaspode;525448 Wrote: 
> That being said - lets at least spend time in creating the appropiate
> logs for the current 'backup alarm even though the stream seems to be
> available' problem. Noone asks for or expects further debugging.

If the logs were there then that would be possible...

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