I think I managed to catch a log file when I got the backup alarm this
morning after the normal alarm had played for a while, registered a bug
report for it and included the /var/log/messages file:

>From the log it looks like there might have been some temporary network
problems when the normal alarm switched to backup alarm around 07:25.

If the network problem is the cause of these problems, maybe we could
just increase the check interval that triggers the backup alarm ? I'm
guessing it's the decodeStatePoller running every 10'th second that
might cause this ?

It it doesn't really matter to me if the alarm is triggered 1 minute
late if it means that it doesn't revert to the backup alarm. 

Does other people see the same thing, that normal alarm first plays and
then switches to backup alarm after a while ? Or do you get the backup
alarm immediately ?


Erland Isaksson
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