Really, I'm just having fun because I'm bored from not having any music
outside.  I believe that link is for the poor Canadians, although they
shouldn't feel too bad because in the U.S. you can't get the darn
battery either.  Honestly, I think Nikon is running Logitech or in
reverse.  Either way, whomever is making the decisions obviously
doesn't have to answer to shareholders or what have you.  On the up
side you can't call them greedy.  They're like a brother in law who is
a painter and keeps complaining that he doesn't have any work, yet when
you offer to pay him his normal fee for a whole house painting he never
shows up.  Eventually if he does you can always knock the ladder out
from under him.  Your sister is too good for him anyway :-)

Stay off of the ladders Logitech...


Howard Passman

Can I go home now?
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