0xdeadbeef;555319 Wrote: 
> About the bugtracker: Sorry, I lost my faith in it years ago. None of
> my bug reports or improvement suggestions of the last years ever
> survived. Instead they were merged with unrelated or less precise
> reports and then set to resolved some months or years later without
> being resolved.
First of all, I'm not trying to argue, I'm just trying to explain, I
understand that you are very frustrated. You have probably heard part
of this before, but please don't reject it before at least reading
through my post.

They need to merge bugs if you have seen a specific problem but there
is a much bigger problem with the system that affects a larger area.
Maintaining 20 bugs that's all related to the same big problem
overloads the administration, it's a lot easier to just maintain one
big bug that describes the main problem.

However, if your specific problem remains when the merged bug is
resolved, feel free to re-open your specific bug. I think you have
permission to do that if you were the one that registered it. If you
don't have permission, you can just register a new bug and mention the
old bug in the bug number.

Of course, I can understand that in some cases, it might be hard to
track a bug because it's merged several times and from your description
it sounds like this has happened sometimes to you.

If you have written 100 bug reports which has been handled this way, I
can understand if you don't want to spend time finding and reopen them,
but if it's just 5-10 it might be worth the trouble make them notice
that they haven't solve the whole problem.

Even though Logitech developers still spend some time here in the forum
to pick up problems, they are here a lot less today than they were 3
years ago. The reason is that the team is smaller today and they need
to focus on the problem that have been reported in a structured way (in
the bug database) instead of spending time analyzing complaints in the
forum which might not even be bugs but support issues related to the
environment and not their software.

It's a pity the support team doesn't spend more time here but as I've
understood they look a bit more at the logitech forum site:

So people with complaints that only can be fixed by Logitech should
probably complain either there or calling the Logitech support. The
support organization might not always be able to help you but they will
at least hear about the problem and after a while they will have to do
something if 80% of their callers doesn't get their problems solved. I
suspect it might be easier to get some manager attention through the
support channel than through this forum.

0xdeadbeef;555319 Wrote: 
> A bug tracker is a neat idea, but it simply doesn't work. Especially if
> there are hundreds of people writing reports and only two or three who
> have to manage them and thus tend to "resolve" them one way or the
> other.
Agreed, it's pretty clear that Logitech don't have the resources to
maintain the bug database in a good way as it works now. 

However, I think the bug database remains open because it still works a
lot better for them than trying to read through all forum threads and
try to find bugs reported by users there.

The best solution would of course be if their own test team found all
the bugs and the community focused on giving them feedback on possible
enhancements and changes, but I guess that's also hard to do with the
limited number of resources they have access to.

*My very personal wish would be *(and this is NOT directed to you
personally, because I really understand your frustration):
Keep this forum a happy place, where people still want to spend their
time. I've no problem with people reporting problems but repeating the
problems all over again and letting the developers that can solve the
problem know that you don't think they have done their job really isn't
the best way to get something fixed.

If you are frustrated and want to keep complaining, do that by calling
the support phone or by posting at the Logitech forum site where the
support people at least reads:

If you don't get help by the support, at least search the bug database
and vote on the bug if there is one for your problem or register a new
one if your problem isn't registered yet. Or even better, ask the
support team to do it for you and just give you the bug number so you
can track it.

Until Logitech has decided that they need to put more people in the
Squeezebox development and adjust their working processes, I really
think this is the best solution. It will make community members willing
to be around and help people that can be helped and it will make
Logitech support (and management) aware of major problems which many
users have.

Sometimes I think people think that Logitech management and support
team reads through all the threads in this forum, but they really
aren't. Actually I wouldn't be surprised if they don't read this forum
at all, I think this forums is mostly used by community members now. It
was a bit different some years ago before Logitech purchased
SlimDevices, but currently I really think this is the case.

For people that have tried calling the support and where community
can't help, if you still have the strength to keep complaining, please
do that where the right people at least reads:
- The support phone

If you keep complain here, you will just scare away all community
members that might be able to help other users which have other
problems where the community can give them a solution. So really, you
are also destroying for other people while you keep complaining here
and you aren't really helping your own case because the right people
aren't listening here anyway.

And, I'm really no Logitech fan boy, I've just realized that it doesn't
help my case to scream in this forum, it will just make music fans
unhappy. It seems like Logitech has a lot of improvement potential in
their organization and work processes. 

However, I do think the Squeezebox products have a huge potential to be
something great, so I guess you could call be a Squeezebox fan boy. I
just wished they could fix these basic issues so they can start focus
on enhancing the Squeezebox products to enhance the music listening


Erland Isaksson
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(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
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