As per my sig I am a fanboy. I am however initially disappointed with
the performance of the radio.

I don't need an alarm to wake me up but I do like to be woken by the
radio if that makes sense.(wife gets up an hour before me).

For more than a year I have had the boom in the bedroom streaming BBC
R5 via at 6:55am without fault or fail. I don't really want a
24/s SBS server to do this for the moment.

I need the boom for another room so bought a radio, looks so nice so I
set up my alarm for this morning.

Like an excited child I was awake a few minutes before and then watched
with glee as 6:55 flicked over and the dulcet tones of the presenter
faded in. After about 30 secs but certainly less than a minute the
voice faded to be replaced by some jaunty/jangly music I guesse was the
default fall back alarm.

Obviously read loads of posts about hats and shoes and the fact that
the alarm is just a function of this mono wireless player, but
nevertheless I am disappointed.

What I don't understand is why did things work perfectly with my boom
but when I ask the radio to do the same it fails at a first try.

Style over substance? Logitech need to sort this, I would not have
parted with £100 had I known this was such an issue.

wonder boy

Squeezebox fan boy and proud...

2x Boom

1x SB3

Just ordered SB I need help?
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