I'd try a couple of things:

- When this happens next time, open a web browser and see if the
  server sees the Radio. That would at least tell you whether the Radio
  is reconnecting to the network and to the SB server. If so, you should
  also be able to play music on the Radio from the web browser. I'm not
  sure that it will suggest a fix, but it might give you more
  information to go on.
- Unhide the network SSID. It offers no additional security. You
  should be using WPA/WPA2 security (not WEP) and a fairly long

If unhiding the SSID doesn't make a difference, then I'd also try doing
a factory reset. Never hurts to start over from scratch.

JJZolx's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10
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