The next thing you and your dad should check out are podcasts. If your
dad has any particular interests no matter how esoteric or favorite
shows that are broadcast at a time that is not convenient for him they
are often retained on line as podcasts. (Good for broadcasts in
inconvenient timezones.)

You can download the podcast player app and put in the URLs of the
podcast and he can choose to listen whenever he want. For instance, my
son-in-law is a firefighter, when I gave him an mp3 player for
Christmas I mentioned that he could probably find a relevant podcast.
He laughed. If you google, you will find about a zillion firefighter
podcasts. There is a podcast for everything. 

Your dad wants sanskrit? He can have it. Just install the Podcast
Player app and add the URL for the All India Radio news podcasts (most easily done on
Each day he will see an alphabetical list of the news podcasts in all of
the umpteen major Indian languages, including sanskrit. They are
arranged alphabetically so all he has to do is scroll down to the

Whatever language or topic he wants. It's all there. And music too.
Sign him up for Pandora or some of the other music apps and he can
listen to a stream of whatever he likes whenever he likes it. At this
rate he won't have to worry about turning the Radio off. He will want
it on 24/7--so much listening, so little time.

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