squeezeb;696705 Wrote: 
> For the life of me I can't figure out what's going on. All other
> SB3/Booms work 100% fine, never drops out. This Radio (which I've
> returned and gotten a replacement for) just randomly drops out. WiFi
> icon turns red, everything gets really slow (scrolling through menu is
> really slow), and I can't connect to mysqueezebox.com, or re-establish
> connection to LMS.
I've been seeing the same erratic behaviour from my Radio for the few
last weeks!
Like yours, my Boom has not a single problem with my wireless network,
it's just the Radio that goes mad.
At some time, it even got in some boot loops, and I had to reset it to
factory defaults using the +/power combo.

I've tried every thing I could think of, but none cured the problem

Although it's never been far away from the Radio (<3 meters), I've even
tried to get it closer: the Radio now reports 100% signal stength, but
still has problems playing music!

The only thing I could notice when it didn't work *at all* (constantly
rebuffering), was that some kernel process was eating all the CPU

Now that it's working *a bit* better (it sometimes can play 2 or 3
songs in a row without any hiccup), I'm still amazed at how much CPU
time this process is eating:

# uptime
18:50:12 up 12 days,  9:56, load average: 0.08, 0.24, 0.25
root       700     2 10 Mar09 ?        1-06:28:54 [AR6K Async]

The Radio is up for <300 hours, and this process has spent >30 hours on
the CPU?

It looks like there's something going wrong here...


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