SBGK wrote: 
> It's natural to feel negative about change, but I feel Logitech should
> be congratulated on the sensible direction they are taking (assuming the
> price comes down)
> MB has said there is something coming which is not quite a touch, how
> about a headless streamer which can be attached to storage and has usb
> out, is that not a logical step forward ?

Dropping support for legacy devices and removing the ability to run your
own server is a huge drop in features.  The fact that my 1st gen.
Squeezebox is supported by LMS and iPeng is what use to make me feel
confident about buying new Squeezeboxes.  When the 1st gen device got a
slight revision by going from a text only VFD to a graphically VFD, you
know what Sean and gang did for the people who bought the older device. 
They sold us a kit to swap out the display ourself and I think they did
it at cost because the price was very reasonable.  That is how you get
return customers!  The Radio and Touch have been excellent devices for
me and hopefully will continue to work for many many years to come. 
Cause I do not see anyone coming out with a good replacement anytime

The fact that they are not providing a upgrade path for users with a
large base of devices is just a big F-u to those users and those users
should respond in kind.

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