Mushroom_3 wrote: 
> Andre's post above is very interesting; and for further MBA study
> yesterday I was browsing a large John Lewis store in UK (large upmarket
> chain with good electrical stock) and found a lonely Squeezebox radio
> accessory pack for £4.95. (Now in my possession as a spare battery for
> my 2 radios)! This was sitting beside an extensive (3 shelf) Sonos
> display. So the Touch fails and a much more expensive, much less
> flexible lower quality product succeeds. Discuss..............
Sonos, like Apple, focused on a complete, easy to use system for which
it gambled (correctly, I guess) that people would be willing to pay a
premium. In particular, Sonis is easy to -sell-.

As much as I love my Squeezeboxes, the system certainly wasn't easy to
set up. I had to learn friggin' Linux to install, use, and upgrade the
server software on my NAS. Sonos is practically plug and play with an
NAS server, and for most NAS devices it doesn't require a single
keystroke of Linux. The Touch was a step in the right direction in that
regard, but it was too little, too late.

And, speaking of server software, the same basic stuff has been called
SlimServer, Squeezecenter, Squeezebox Server and now Logitech Media
Server in the time I've owned the same hardware. WTF?

Yes, Squeezebox is powerful and flexible. But it's confusing to the
uninitiated. And the selling process is complicated for prospective
customers (and retailers) to understand everything the system can do,
and how to get the system to do it.

Comparing Sonos and Squeezebox isn't like comparing Mac to PC. It's more
like comparing Mac to Linux. Lots of people love the power and
flexibility of an open system, but it's not necessarily for the masses.
So it is with Sonos vs. Squeezebox.

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