Have just signed up to the forum and this is my first 'post', though
I've little substantial to add - just "me too", and some (probably
rhetorical) questions.  

My Squeezebox Radio (SBR seems to be the abbreviation used) started
playing up on Friday (4/Nov) when the button presets did nothing and its
wireless icon was red - which I took to mean it was no longer on my
wireless network and/or it had lost its internet connection. My router
showed me it was connected ok but, regardless, I did the usual
on-offing, after a bout of which the red went white and the presets got
me the correct station.  But all was not right as the 'artwork' normally
shown for each station/programme failed to appear and in its place was
the Now Playing screen showing a Playlist of "Nothing"; also the station
played for around 15mins before cutting out (though touching its preset
button restored it instantly).  Similar on Saturday.  But today, Sunday
6th Nov, I can get nothing out of it. 

So I spent a couple of hours trying to figure out what was going on, the
upshot of which seems to be that the box isn't able to connect to
mysqueezebox.com (abbreviated to mysb.com in these parts I think).  I
can log in to mysqueezebox.com via my PC browser (http/website/port 80)
where I see that my Radio has status 'Not Connected' and, needless to
say, Remote Control doesn't work - "504 Gateway Timeout". My favourites
though are all there as normal.

Oh, I should just mention that I've no Squeezebox Server involved so the
radio connects directly to mysb.com.

I deduce that I'm suffering the effects of the EU outage that mherger
reports. (BTW, who is mherger?  I presume it's the same
mherger<at>logitech.com that my forum registration email referred me to?
Is he/she then a 'formal' Logitech support person? Or perhaps they are
an 'informal' one - hence the babelfish bit!?  If informal then that
seems to suggest that Logitech aren't much bothered with their SBX
customers any more - see later for a little more on this...).  

So do I just wait and trust that Logitech sort this out in their own
sweet time?

Here's the rhetorical bit... Why is there no communication from Logitech
on any of this? And I've seen nothing on this forum, save from Ary
initiating this thread. Is it unreasonable to expect my login to msb.com
to show some notification of a problem?  Have Logitech essentially given
up on Squeezebox users/customers - and their UE Smart Radio customers
too?  I guess so as it seems they don't market any of these any longer
(no mention on logitech.com that I can see).  And since there have been
so few me toos since Ary raised the problem I guess this means there are
few SBR (or indeed SBX device) users out there now.  What a shame, it is
(was...?) such a clever box with a nice sound.  I had a few years out of
it but perhaps it's now time to look for a new device.  Of course it
won't be a Logitech one.  I'm not quite sure if I'm disposed to steer
clear of -any- Logitech product, I'll have to see.

Oh, and a final last question/comment that I've seen raised elsewhere in
the forum but not seen answered.... is there a reason (other than that's
just the way it works) why the SBR makes its connection to a broadcast
stream via mysb.com rather than directly, because the way it works of
course makes a nice single point of failure...  And since it's so
seemingly hackable by those in the know (triode seems to be da man
there) can it be made to go to the broadcast streams -directly-...? 

Sorry, didn't want my first post to turn in to a kind of rant but it
slightly turned out that way!

Nic P

NicP's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=66229
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=106386

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