KeBul wrote: 
> Just out of curiosity - which Spirit?
> I've noticed the buttons on my Boom are starting to stick.
> There's lots of "advice" out there on cleaning sticky rubber, from
> various car detailing products to talcum powder, my brother used
> aerospace protectant to clean the rubber grips on his old camera lenses
> with great success, not sure exactly what product I'd have to ask him.
> Many years ago when I was a printer engineer it was a no no to clean
> platens with alcohol based products as it make the rubber hard, we used
> a specialist platen cleaner on them (think I still have some on my
> workshop if they've not dried out.

No need to worry about damaging the rubber, because the only cure is to
-remove- it completely. It's a fairly thin coating over a harder plastic
beneath. Rubbing alcohol helps a bit in making it softer, but you're
basically scraping and rubbing it off. I cleaned up a guitar stand with
a similar problem of a disintegrating rubber coating on a few parts.
Mostly, it just took a lot of elbow grease. You can scrape it off with a
thumbnail or something relatively soft, like wooden sticks, then remove
the last bits with a soft cloth.

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